toolsThe Rock County Facilities Management Department is a staff of 24 serving approximately 1,560,912 square feet of building space. These buildings include:

  • Courthouse
  • 911 Communications Center
  • Information Technology
  • Council on Aging
  • Health Care Center
  • Health Department
  • Dr. Daniel Hale Williams-Rock County Resource Center
  • Public Works
  • Rock Haven Nursing Home
  • Sheriff’s Office & Correctional Facility
  • UW-Extension
  • Youth Services Center

 Leased buildings

  • Eclipse Center, Beloit
  • Veterans Service Office

Our goal is to provide cost effective and energy efficient enhancements to County departments, facilities and surrounding grounds. We strive to provide a safe, secure, clean and healthy work environment for courthouse employees and the general visiting public.

The Department also handles fundamental repair, carpentry and electrical services to county buildings, requisitions needed supplies necessary to carry out proper maintenance of buildings and surrounding grounds and arranges and equips conference rooms with needed chairs, tables, etc.

In addition to these services, the Department provides consultation to other Department Heads, Elected Officials and Program Directors and assists in coordinating major construction/renovation projects with architects and contractors.

A contracted cleaning services provides general cleaning throughout most of the courthouse and other county buildings.