The ADRC of Rock County provides information about resources and support on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. ADRC staff are unbiased and knowledgeable professionals who listen to your concerns, help clarify your options, and direct you to the appropriate resources. Services are free and confidential for Rock County residents regardless of income or assets.

We Need Your Help!

You are invited to take a survey on Wisconsin’s ADRC marketing and outreach materials! Are you familiar with Wisconsin’s aging and disability resource centers (ADRCs) or a Tribal aging and disability resource specialist (ADRSs)? Are you a current or former customer, caregiver, family member, or involved community member? If so, we are interested in hearing from you. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is currently seeking feedback on potential updates to statewide ADRC and Tribal ADRS outreach materials. We want to know which creative concepts (such as taglines, color palettes, logos, and other visual elements) resonate most with you, and why. The survey will remain open through Friday, July 12.

Click Here to Take the Survey.

Your feedback is valuable. Thank you for helping us as we work to broaden awareness among Wisconsin residents of ADRC and Tribal ADRS services. This project is made possible through dedicated, limited-term funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to improve and modernize ADRCs throughout Wisconsin. If you have any questions about the surveys or the campaign, please contact ADRC Outreach Program Coordinator Liz Merfeld (



Calling All Caregivers

     Elvis & Friends-Starring the world champion

                          Elvis Tribute Artist Jesse Aron!

July 20th 2pm-4pm

Where- DWRC Building-1717 Center Ave. Janesville WI 53546

                               **Reservations Required**

Call Krystal, Family Caregiver Support Specialist to

reserve your seat at


Jesse Aron






Recognize the Signs of Elder Abuse

  • An estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10, older Americans experience elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Working together across our networks, we can generate awareness and foster action to end elder abuse. Let’s work to keep everyone safe as we age. #WEAAD

World Elder Abuse day



Upcoming Events

Rock County Transit to launch new routing software


Beginning July 2, 2024

Senior Farmer's Market Voucher

Will be Available at ADRC.  

SFMV DWRC DIStribution


SFMV Page 2   



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