COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people with the virus have mild to moderate symptoms like fever, cough, or a new loss of taste or smell. Those at higher risk are more likely to develop serious illness. Visit our Data & Reports page for more information on COVID-19 case activity and trends.

With support from Wisconsin DHS, we help prevent the spread of COVID-19 through case and outbreak investigations. We work with local businesses/employers, long-term care facilities, and large gatherings that experience COVID-19 outbreaks to provide support and guidance on COVID-19 prevention. Rock County residents who test positive for COVID-19 may also be called and interviewed to learn more about their exposure and provide an opportunity for questions. We also work with our hospital partners to share data and resources to make sure we have what we need to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Rock County.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I protect myself against COVID-19?
Are COVID-19 vaccines safe?
Do I need to get a vaccine if I already had COVID-19?
How do I know if I'm up to date on my COVID-19 vaccine?
What do I do if I was exposed to COVID-19?
What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19?