International travel can increase your risk of getting and spreading diseases that are rare or not found in the United States. Depending on where you travel, you may not have all of the vaccines needed to protect yourself from diseases found at your destination. 

Our travel vaccine program provides specialized vaccines needed for travel outside of the country. When you book a travel vaccine appointment, one of our Public Health Nurses will work with you to identify which vaccines are needed for your destination. It's important to plan travel vaccine appointments at least one month before you leave to make sure you have the best protection while on your trip.

Before you travel, make sure you are also up-to-date on all of your routine vaccinations.

Call us at 608-757-5440 to schedule a travel vaccine appointment and consultation. Vaccine and office fees under the travel vaccine program are subject to change.

If you have trouble accessing our Janesville office due to transportation or other barriers, please call us for accommodations. 

Other travel vaccine options include: