Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) refers to work that helps us plan for, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies. Our PHEP program is funded by the CDC and guided by the CDC's PHEP Capabilities, a set of standards that helps us prepare for public health threats, including infectious disease outbreaks and natural disasters. 

Our Work in Action

Our PHEP program helps prepare Rock County for public health emergencies through:

  • Developing and testing emergency plans
  • Assessing previous emergency responses through after-action reviews
  • Participating in local, regional, and statewide trainings or exercises
  • Supporting Rock County Emergency Management through public health emergency guidance and reviewing County emergency plans 
  • Recruiting volunteers through the Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry (WEAVR)
  • Supporting Rock County's Local Emergency Planning Committee by attending meetings, providing guidance on public health emergencies, and developing emergency plans for local businesses with hazardous substances

Impact on Rock County

PHEP helps ensure our responses to public health emergencies are fast, efficient, and well-informed. Emergency planning strengthens our partnerships with local hospitals, fire departments, and emergency medical service organizations so that we can better coordinate emergency response efforts.

Emergency planning also gives us an opportunity to consider how we can better serve at-risk populations during public health emergencies, like children, older adults, and those with access and functional needs.