We partner with Wisconsin DHS on the Asthma-Safe Homes Program to improve access to asthma care and asthma prevention resources. Rock County continues to have some of the highest rates of asthma-related hospitalizations and emergency department visits in Wisconsin. Asthma can be managed using medications under safe living conditions free from asthma triggers, but it can be serious and even-life threatening if left untreated.

The program provides in-home asthma education and opportunities to receive asthma prevention products and offers opportunities for home repair services to reduce asthma triggers through mold cleanup, carpet removal, and fixing leaky plumbing.

How can I use the program?

Children ages 2-18 years old and pregnant parents with asthma who are eligible for Medicaid state health insurance are eligible for the Asthma-Safe Homes Program through a referral process. If you qualify for this program, contact us at 608-757-5440, rchealthdept@co.rock.wi.us, or fill out this form.