Substance misuse is the use of a substance, like alcohol or opioids, that leads to physical, social, or emotional harm.

Our Work in Action

Overdose Fatality Review Team

The Overdose Fatality Review Team is a workgroup that works to address substance misuse in Rock County by reviewing the factors leading to local overdose deaths, recommending changes to relevant laws, policies, and practices, and promoting coordination between agencies that work in substance overdose response and prevention.

National Opioid Settlement

We advise Rock County on the National Opioid Settlement, a legal agreement that provides funding for substance misuse prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery. Locally, the settlement will provide over $8 million in funds across 18 years to support opioid treatment, harm reduction, recovery, and prevention. The first projects using National Opioid Settlement funds began in late 2023

See Rock County's Opioid Settlement Funds Recommendations Report and Opioid Settlement Funds Update and Implementation Plan for more information.

Impact on Rock County

Locally, substance misuse has significant economic and social impacts. Economically, it is estimated that opioid and alcohol misuse costs Rock County millions every year in lost earnings, healthcare costs, criminal justice system fees, and tax revenue. Socially, substance misuse can have negative emotional and health impacts on families, especially children. Children who grow up in households or environments with substance misuse are at higher risk of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and developing chronic health conditions later in life.